About Love

I love you written in the sandy beach

I had a chance to chat with a client today; she’s a really beautiful and kind lady, a 2 1/2 year cancer widow. We got to talking about Valentine’s Day and she mentioned that this year for Valentine’s Day she received a lovely bouquet of roses from a wonderful man. She was so touched and flattered but, she said, she only wished they had been from her husband. She told me her husband passed away in August, and come their anniversary that following October, she received a bouquet of roses from him. My eyes welled with tears.

That’s the thing about love…it’s so timeless, so earnest, so transcendental. And though life is fleeting — love is eternal. Love is both bliss and grief, togetherness and separation, beauty and inelegance. Love is the realization of tolerance and acceptance. Love is more than a feeling, love is an awareness of a deeper self. Love is literally everything.

So, on this Valentine’s Day, instead of doing the thing where we dismiss the holiday as a marketing ploy by greeting card companies, let’s just make an effort to honestly and truly enjoy love. Wrap ourselves in love. Bathe in love. Pray to love. Ask for love. Honor love. Cherish love. Give love. Be love.

Whether it be love of significant others, parents, siblings, children, friends, God, or love of ourselves,  let us promise to celebrate love so entirely that we all may have and be everything we’ll ever need

I love you all.



30 thoughts on “About Love

  1. Pingback: About Love | The Nancarrow Project

  2. Loren Nancarrow definitely raised a beautiful and loving daughter. I am sure you made him proud. Thank you for this post; It gives us, so much to think about

  3. Hannah: You are such a talented writer. I followed your blog for your dad for his whole journey. Your dad was so exceptional. I loved his weather forecasts. Please consider applying to one of the local San Diego news stations and becoming our new “Eco-friendly weather lady”. You would be just wonderful to broadcast the weather and would help to fill the void that is in a lot of local people’s hearts with the loss of your dad. Blessings to you and thanks for the love message. We all need it.

  4. Watched your dad on TV. Met him once. He was impressive on the TV, but moreso person. Still watch Cuprock.
    I would encourage you as well to bless us on TV news or a local weather station.

  5. That was lovely, Hannah. ❤ Instead of materialistic things, we need to get back to basics, and show those we love with our actions, not gifts.

  6. Pingback: Fool For Love | Light The Trail

  7. This is beautiful! You really are great with words , thought , things we might not say out loud. Such a joy to read and often brings me to tears because it so hits my hearts but yet makes me smile , your words reminding me how fortunate I am. I’ve live in North County since 1976 and have somehow someway run into your family over the years .. Toby Keith concerts, kids dental appointments, beach, etc… your family’s journey has seen heartbreak and shared your stories with great healing for others. I would imagine it’s been difficult to share so much with the public eye but you’ve all done it do well with grace and dignity. You have a great talent and looking forward to reading your future passions on that thing called life! Cheers to you and your family!

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